

Nephew Geoffrey Zakarian from Food Network make traditional Filipino Adobo. Let see how it go... Original weejio: Big thanks to Leah Cohen for helping out with the research. Niece and nephew, go follow her on instagram: Standup comedy playlist: Podcast about my adventures in Indonesia: Use code UNCLEROGER to get 10% off Uncle Roger's favorite soup dumplings (US only): 💰 Support me so I can keep making weejios for you! Merch: Channel membership: Shoutouts: --- Edited by: Nigel Ng and Frankie Lowe Written by: Leah Cohen, Nigel Ng, Morgan Rees Uncle Roger is the creation of comedian Nigel Ng. Follow my socials for more content ⬇️ 💬 Discord: 📸 Instagram: 👪 Facebook: 🤖 Reddit: 🕺 tiktok: 🐦 Twitter: 🌎 If you want me to tour your area, put your city in here: © Orange Heart Productions


1 year ago

"撒上一些欧芹" 什么什么什么? 在菲律宾阿多波里放欧芹? 罗杰叔叔和我今年一直在巡演 如果你穿着橙色衣服来观看演出 而且你坐在前排的位置 罗杰叔叔通常会找你麻烦 这非常有趣 我上传了几段罗杰叔叔吐槽观众的视频 吐槽穿橙色衣服的观众 你可以在单口相声的播放列表中观看它们 也可以点击信息栏中的链接观看 这是Haiyaa巡演的最终演出日期 我们不会再添加新场次了 到处旅行太累人了 我很累 罗杰叔叔也很累 快去购买现场门票吧 希望能在巡演中见到你 今天 我将点评Geoffrey Zakarian侄子烹饪菲律宾阿多波的视频 这道菜有很多种做法 每个人做这道菜的方法都不一样 所以很难搞砸它 但这位Geoffrey侄子 他穿着西装做亚洲菜 嗨呀 罗杰叔叔有不祥的预感 "我将做一道菲律宾传统菜肴:菲律宾阿多波" "我可以闻到香料的味道" "将鸡腿肉放入袋中" 那两个坐着的是谁? 他们被无视了 "这是很重要的" "倒入一些低钠酱油" 低钠? "-一定要买低钠酱油 -没错" 为什么?低钠酱油的风味更少 谁想用这个呀?嗨呀 别怂了 买普通酱油 你这样的大男人 还害怕小小的钠吗?嗨呀 "-一定要买低钠酱油
-没错" "一些非常便宜的白醋" 醋 正确 你应该多放点 菲律宾人很喜欢吃醋 "用来清洗银器的醋" "一些红糖" 红糖 很好 "加入大量的黑胡椒粉" 黑胡椒 很好 通常来说我们会用胡椒粒 "哈瓦那辣椒" 什么? "哈瓦那辣椒" 他在里面放了什么? "哈瓦那辣椒" 嗨呀 菲律宾又不产哈瓦那辣椒 西装革履侄子 你在干什么? 通常情况下 菲律宾的食物并不辣 没必要放辣椒 但如果你想放辣椒 用菲律宾本土的辣椒 "哈瓦那辣椒" "噢 哈瓦那辣椒" 他们对辣椒的反应好奇怪啊 "哈瓦那辣椒" "噢 哈瓦那辣椒" "把它们混合在一起 按摩鸡肉使其入味" "顺便说一句 你加了好多哈瓦那辣椒啊" "把它放在" 他们又被无视了 "它会变得美味的" 腌制 很好 "我们要过滤掉腌制液" "保留腌制液" "我们要保留它 因为风味都在里面" 好的 很不错 "我们要用到一个漂亮的荷兰锅" "把带皮的一面朝下 这样烤出的颜色会很好" 煎封做的对 但这步是可有可无的 谁会用名牌珐琅锅做菲律宾阿多波?嗨呀 你知道这玩意有多贵吗? 270英镑哎! 太花哨了 花大价钱买锅子 花大价钱买昂贵的西装 但菲律宾阿多波的配料不对 你为
什么不把钱花在菲律宾菜的菜谱上呢?嗨呀 "你可以看出鸡肉颜色的变化" "看起来特别美妙" "风味满满啊" "煎脆后 把它们拿出来" 看起来不错哦 "放在盘子上" "看看它 煎的金黄" "这层皮要留着" "你需要它 这层皮保护着鸡肉的风味" "像是一个绝缘体" "这里保留的这些脂肪" 没人关心这两个家伙 他们一直在说话 而他却一直在无视他们 他们在那里干嘛呢?美食频道付钱让他们被无视吗? 真好啊 当年罗杰叔叔和前妻海伦阿姨在一起的时候 遭到免费的无视 而他们被无视时还可以赚钱 真好 "你需要它 这层皮保护着鸡肉的风味" "这里保留的这些脂肪 加入一些洋葱" 不 传统的菲律宾阿多波里面没有洋葱 "这需要" "一些大蒜" 大蒜 正确 "一点点盐和胡椒粉" 等一下 你就用的这点大蒜吗? 你只用这点? 太少了 西装革履侄子 罗杰叔叔做菲律宾阿多波的时候 我用了10瓣甚至20瓣大蒜 压扁它们 扔进锅里就可以了 西装革履侄子 用正确的用量 而不是白人的用量 "这需要" "一些大蒜" 做亚洲菜的时候 大蒜就像钱一样 永远都不够用 只放五片蒜算什么啊 不要用五片蒜来糊弄我们 这家伙把大蒜当做松露在用呢
"翻炒洋葱 增强它的风味" "不需要炒到棕色" "因为这要炖30分钟左右" "看到了吗? 它并没有完全熟透" "把食材集中到一起" "我打算用腌制液洗锅收汁" 洗锅收汁? 洗锅收汁是什么? 在热锅中倒入液体 将所有粘在底部的焦糖化食物残渣煮成酱汁 所以洗锅收汁就是用液体来洗锅的意思啊 那就直接说啊 没必要炫耀什么专业术语 人生苦短 没空听你讲那些蓝带学院专用术语 这家伙是不是把上厕所冲水也称为洗锅收汁啊? "我打算用腌制液洗锅收汁" "在菲律宾阿多波中非常重要的食材:月桂叶" 月桂叶 正确的 但你放的太少了 "你很需要风味 只需要倒入清水" 倒水 正确 但这也倒的太多了 都被水冲淡了 "鸡皮朝上 把鸡肉放回锅内" 将鸡肉在酱汁里烹煮 正确的 他做的菲律宾阿多波味道肯定很清淡 "非常好" 大蒜放的太少了 酱汁太水了 月桂叶也放的不够 "这道菜做起来太简单了" "只需要花费45分钟" "你会获得如此美味的一道菜" 这是在干什么? 别瞎鼓掌 为什么要鼓掌? 看上去水的要命 菲律宾阿多波和女人相反 太湿了不好 哦 天啊 抱歉了 孩子们 这群人真容易被打动啊 罗杰叔叔需要他们到现场来看我的表演
"我准备了温热的白米饭 没有加调味料 这点非常重要" "温热的白米饭 没有加调味料" 没有加调料的米饭 那就是米饭啊 亚洲人管它叫米饭 它这就叫米饭!没有人会说 这是没有加调味料的米饭 嗨呀 当你吃面包时 你会说:哦 我正在吃没有涂酱的面包嘛? 你只会说 我在吃面包啊 "这里面有你需要的所有调味品" "我想看看" 饭看起来不错 "里面有哈瓦那辣椒" "在上面撒一点美味酱汁" "看起来好好吃啊" 看起来还行吧 "撒上一些欧芹" 什么什么什么? 他说... 他说的是欧芹吗? "撒上一些欧芹" 欧芹? 放在菲律宾阿多波里? 罗杰叔叔很生气 气到我把腿从椅子上放下去了 欧芹不应该放进亚洲菜里啊 你不是在做意大利面 在菲律宾阿多波里加欧芹是什么鬼啊 西装革履侄子 哪种亚洲菜里会出现欧芹啊? 我觉得西装革履侄子本来是想放香菜或葱花的 但他手边没有 就突发其想 欧芹也是小绿叶类型的香料嘛 把它放进去 肯定没人注意到的 嗨呀 "撒入欧芹" "我总是会配上柠檬" 什么? 菲律宾阿多波怎么会配柠檬呢... 罗杰叔叔吃过很多次菲律宾阿多波 没有一次是配柠檬一起吃的 你说你总是为菲律宾阿多波配柠檬? 你是在哪
里吃的菲律宾阿多波? 杰米奥利弗的餐厅吗? "谢谢" "噢 太嫩了 很容易就能切开" "我可以闻到它的香气" 哦 看看吧 太水了 嗨呀 西装革履侄子 本来一切都进展的很顺利 直到你撒上了欧芹 一切都被搞砸了 罗杰叔叔好伤心 侄子侄女们 罗杰叔叔最近在印度尼西亚巡演 在最新一集的播客节目中 瑾瑜侄子谈到了我们在印尼的经历 快去看看最新的HAIYAA播客吧 快点击信息栏中的链接 也别忘记购买我的巡演门票噢! 拜拜



As a Filipino, seeing Uncle Roger's knowledge with Filipino food makes me wanna call him "Tito Roger"


The Filipinos have been summoned


I'm a Filipino cook. You don't put cilantro, parsley, or coriander on your adobo because they have a pungent flavor and aroma, even as a garnish. It's because it will affect the flavor or the taste profile and character of an authentic Filipino adobo. If you put some, it will have a taste profile close to Mediterranean cuisine. You may put spring onion or leaks. That would be all right because it will complement the flavor because it's also from onion.


From now on I will call Uncle Roger "Tito Roger" every time he makes or reacts to Filipino food


I showed this to my Filipino friend, and I kid you not he said "If I made adobo that way, my family would throw it out and feed me dog food for the rest of the day while they made real adobo." I asked "Not disowned?" and he said "Nahh, that only happens when you somehow fuck up the rice."


My Filipino wife started yelling shit in Tagalog at the TV when he added the habaneros, then she stormed out of the room muttering something angrily under her breath about "How hard it is to fuck up adobo" when she saw how watery it was. She didnt even see the lemon finale. She also said that no self respecting Filipino buys low sodium soy sauce. lmao


As a Filipino, I felt that. One of my favorite meals being ruined. I started crying


Uncle Roger never disappoints me with his disappointment


To the non-Filipinos or those who don't know a lot about Filipino culture in general, I feel obligated to tell you all that it is VERY HARD to mess up adobo. There are literally almost no rules to this dish and a lot of recipes are different depending on what region you are in and etc., but this guy still somehow managed to mess it up.


"use the right amount, not the white amount" is really a quote to live by


Showed this to my Filipino mom and she almost died when he added parsley


1:52 That's right, even the name says it: "habanero", from "Havana", Cuba. It retains the "b" from Spanish "Habana", original name of the capital of the country.


Adds habanero "There isnt even habanero in the philippines" Adds parsley "We dont even add greens to normal adobo" Puts a lemon "Pulls out slipper"


We dont put parsley, habanero and Lemon on our adobo. This adobo is a mess. Tito Roger on point here, I’m impressed NGL.


As a half Filipino I can confirm that uncle Roger's haiyaa is still my ancestor crying...


I so love his genuine reaction on how this was cooked in a very wrong way. Haha


As a Filipino who cooks adobo almost every week, Uncle Roger is on Point, need more garlic as in lots of garlic as possible, we can do away with the onions but a little does not hurt, habanero we dont have that, PARSLEY AND LEMON WTF???????


I hate seeing Uncle Roger let down.


2:05 And the guy says it with such a reaction, as if he had brought the most exotic spice from the Philippines himself; on his shoulders. 😂


I felt uncle Roger’s sweating like he’s literally in the Philippines. 😂😂😂 perfect for this weeijo. Hahaha