
We are checking into the HOTEL, ROOM and we might see you there!! | Family Feud South Africa

Not everyone has been to stay in a hotel before, but with all the stories you hear, there HAS TO BE A ROOM CHECKLIST before you sleep!! Is the minibar full, is the bed made, DOES THE TOILET FLUSH?? Our two new Feuding Families need to figure out WHAT IS ON THE CHECKLIST!! Welcome to The Official FAMILY FEUD AFRICA YouTube Channel! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Go to our website: #FamilyFeudAfrica #FamilyFeudSA

Family Feud Africa

2 years ago

- Y'all ready for the show to get started? Everybody say yeah. - [Audience] Yeah! - Give me Mike, give me Megan. (upbeat music) Welcome to the show. - Thank you. - Hello Megan. - Hi Steve. - Wonderful, this. - Thank you! - All that's just-- - Thank you so much! - This. - It's all for you. - Kill it, I felt that. - It's all for you. - Mike, you pretty snazzy yourself. - Thank you, Steve. - Good, good, good, welcome to the show. Let's go. We've surveyed 100 people. We got the top eight answers on
the board. (tapping) Name something you do as soon as you check into your hotel room. (phone ringing) - Mike. - Change. - Change. (audience cheering) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) - Lie on the bed. - Lie on the bed. (audience cheering) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) - We're gonna play. - We gon' play, let's go. (audience cheering) Well, Megan, my assistant is here. Her name is Megan, she's been with me 25 years. - Wow. - [Steve] Yeah. - I could be your assistant if you wanted. - Oh no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nah, I can't tell my wife that. Steve, what do you have? I met my new assistant, she's from South Africa. She'll be replacing our Megan with her. Nah, that's how you die. (audience laughs) You're too young to die, you don't want to do that. What do you do for a living? - I am a statistician. - Oh, okay. - I studied maths and stats. - Oh, you had math? - Yeah. (audience cheering) - I'm not good at math at all. - It's okay, as long as you can count the money and just gi
ve it to me, we're good. (audience cheering) - Oh, okay. Did you say long as I can count the money and give it to you? - Yeah, you heard me right. - Yeah, you're gonna get us both killed. (everyone laughs) Okay well Megan, introduce your family. - Okay, we are the Govenders and we are here to - [Govenders] Sparkle, shine, make some money and say goodbye! (audience cheering) - Okay, I got it. So Megan, introduce everybody. - So, I'm Megan, the crazy, fun one. This is my beautiful sister, Deshni.
She is a little bit of a drama queen, or should I say a lot of a drama queen. She loves acting and dancing. That's my gorgeous cousin, Sherry. We're partners in crime and together we are double trouble. - Double trouble. (audience cheering) That is my beautiful cousin Raeesa. And she is my sister's partner in crime. And that over there in the end is the most handsome man in the whole world to me, my amazing father. (audience cheering) - Andy. - Yeah. - You got your hands full son. - I do. - You
have a house full of beautiful girls. - Yes, I do. - Have you killed anybody yet? - No. - Have you thought about killing somebody? - I never had that moment yet. - Yeah, well you should think about it cause it's coming. (audience laughing) I've tried to kill several boys in my life. I mean, I really tried to kill a couple of them. What do you do, Andy? - I'm an air conditioning technician and I have my own business, air conditioning business. - Okay. (audience cheering) Andy you sure don't dress
like the air conditioning man, pretty pimped right there boy, I gots to have that. - You can have it after the show Steve. - It's too small. It's too small. I'll put it on, I'll tear that suit right up. I like it though man, who picked out your dad's outfit today? - He picked it out actually. - He picked it out? Pimp! (audience cheering) Andy said I'm going on TV, watch this. - Yes! - That's pretty good, man. All right, Deshni. Name something you do as soon as you check into your hotel room. -
So Steve, I think I would go straight to the bathroom. - Straight to the bathroom. (audience cheering) Yep, dragging them bags all them steps. Got to go to the bathroom now. Going into the bathroom. (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) That ain't what she was talking about but okay, good. Sherry, how are you? - I'm very well. - Good, good, what do you do? - I'm in quality assurance in a food manufacturing company. - Yes. Now, when she says that you two are double trouble, partners in crime, what d
oes that mean? - If I tell you, I'll have to kill you. (audience cheering) - Okay kids. All right Sherry, name something you do as soon as you check into your hotel room. - Well I like to eat. So I'm gonna order myself some room service. - Some room service. (audience cheering) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) Raessa. - Yes. (audience cheering) - Killing it. Raeesa what do you do? - I am an educator. - Oh, a teacher, wow. Uh, how old are the kids, what grade? - I teach grades eight to 12. - Ei
ght to 12, oh, that's high school. Do you teach a certain subject? - Yes, English. - English, oh, okay. Well that's good. You seem like a really nice person. - Oh thank you. - You married? - Engaged. - Engaged, oh. (audience cheering) Oh, well well, let's find out, who is he, who is he? - Well he's a correctional officer, so-- - Correctional officer, where did you meet? - That's a funny story. - At the jail? (audience laughing) You were drinking on Friday night, it got out of hand. - Anybody. -
You went down to the jail, he saw you and after he booked you in and uncuffed you. Okay, so how'd you meet? - It was actually through Facebook. - Huh? - Facebook. - No, listen to me, on my TV show I've discovered that today 65% of all marriages come from online dating sites. 65% today. Almost everybody that's in the dating, the older people are scared of it, but that's how they do it. So you met on Facebook, so he wanted to be your friend. How did it-- - I think he wanted to be my friend initial
ly. And then he would come visit me at university. - Oh. (audience cheering) Really? So in the beginning you thought he just wanted to be your friend? He saw this lovely face and all he wanted to do was be your friend. - Maybe not. - Yes. Ladies, no, man just wants to be your friend. No. So now you're engaged, which is what he wanted in the first place. But he lied and said he wanted to be your friend. (audience cheering) It worked out for you, congratulations. - Thank you. - All right let's go.
Name something you do as soon as you check into your hotel. - Okay well, speaking of this fiancee, I would check my phone. - You would check your phone? Check your phone. (buzzer buzzes) - [Audience] Oh! - All right, Andy here we go, man. We only got one strike, give me something you do as soon as you check into your hotel room, - I would unpack my suitcase. - There you go, unpack. (audience cheering) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) Megan name something you do as soon as you check into your
hotel room. - Take a nap. - Take a nap. (buzzer buzzes) - Oh. - All right team, now listen to me. We got two strikes. Lwambwa family can steal. - [Mike] Yeah. - I got it right? - Almost. - Nailed it. (audience laughing) All right, we got two strikes we gotta be careful Deshni. Name something you do soon as you check into your hotel room. - So Steve, I would turn on the TV. (audience cheering) - Turn on the TV. (audience cheering) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) Sherry we got two strikes, you
gotta be careful. The other family can steal. Name something you do as soon as you check into your hotel. - I would check out the facilities like the gym or the pool. - Check out the facilities. (buzzer buzzes) - [Audience] Oh! (audience cheering) - All right team here we go. Name something you do as soon as you check into your hotel room. - Steve, I think the first thing I would do is put on the AC. - Put on the AC. (buzzer buzzes) (Govenders cheering) Number eight. (buzzer dings) - [Audience]
Check the view. - Two. (buzzer dings) - [Audience] Inspect the room.
