
We Survived the SCARIEST Mods In Minecraft...

#entertainment #gaming #minecraft UCUNCHOO: We Survived the SCARIEST Mods In Minecraft... Watch until the end to see what happens! MODPACK:

Liquid Apple

3 weeks ago

in this video I'm going to be surviving  Herobrine in Minecraft joined with my friend over there in the background but we're  going to be trying to kill the famous Goatman don't know if it's possible but surely  surely me and this guy have a surely we got this oh my God oh my God oh my je Jesus Christ w get him on me get him on me I'm dead I'm dead all right all get get some wood yeah you  know it oh there's a little turtle here look at this little guy bro don't don't touch that  turtle man you
see his eyes no man he's friendly look at him oh that's actually quite cool [Music]  yeah he's a friend man he's a friends did you no leave Sheldon alone we can't be trusting anything  Sheldon all right I'll leave him I'll leave him for now how could I'm by what is that what man  I'm telling you something bad's going to happen man you hear that giant fish where where have you  gone BR where have you gone I'm over by the tree that you flating like a maniac can't wait hold on  mate give me a secon
d you can't just leave trees floating like this it's like rule one what is that  I think that's just a normal fish what are these noises fish are you hearing these noises no what  do you mean no all right he's get some shelter for the night yeah it's raining that means something  bad's going to happen I don't like this no rain's good there the purple flame yeah what is [Music]  that I can punch it there's a grave there oh too much is happening I'm getting out of this area oh  there's a butterfly
there's a butterfly that's a m oh I want to get out of the trees cuz like  you never know what's behind a tree Forest is are you not hearing these sounds I'm  I'm I'm to see what's inside this thing can you mine it with a oh chest yes somebody's  somebody's coming man something coming oh oh what what is that what the hell oh now this we  should not be a this isn't right man we need to get out of here oh my God what's Happ don't  go up there don't go up there oh oh what the don't mind us keeping
keeping inventory  on we we there's a zombie with a massive sword where where are you looking don't he's  getting too close what the hell no if he drops it divs divs no yeah a he didn't drop it all  right we're got to this is herob right there [Music] what right then oh Jesus  Christ go go go go get in a tree get in a tree get in the tree I'm in  the tree I'm in the tree I'm safe I'm safe oh he fell oh he's after you  he's after you he's after you no meeting time meeting time no no come on back
wait stop no what the hell no oh I'm so sorry blood goat man what the hell is a  goat man yeah I'm by myself that that was a mistake floting your only friend just flowing  in the ocean I'm actually quite scared now it's dark and I'm by myself are you going to  be able to find me I'm going to come back you I'm going to come back oh skeleton what  I'm going bu hell I'm going build up build up oh my does this like does this like really  tall looking like Marshmallow guy with like what like blacked
out eyes and a giant mouth  and while I was looking at him the creeper snuck up on me and blew me up oh my God this  didn't happen guys this didn't happen after you kill I'm going to fight to the death of  the zombies yeah yeah hope it's a short one I mean no wait I hope it's painful yeah yeah  nice one okay you know what this is actually not a bad spot ni good job man good shot like  a you get what I'm feeling you know you get me maybe not sure about that one oh that's fine it's boring how fin
e  it is you said literally like nothing happening you say it's fine yeah how many  times have we got CH Chas how many times have we gotten chased by like evil demons  wait sh you hear that what's that over there me no please Jesus Christ oh my I don't want Toc me now no Jes I can't see I can't run we just made things hard oh  my God har get in here oh my God can you climb through that he can't  he can't he can't he can't is that wind too what no man no no retrea  to the C retrea to the cage oh
my God you good he's dead oh my God dead why did  you break it I didn't I didn't think it could go through a two block do you see how tall it is  how can that fit through a two block High thing I mean I guess kind of fair but still oh that's my  bad sorry sorry sorry oh my God wait we can make a we can make a fortress but like remember our  main goal yeah we got to kill that goat creature thing well you know what instead of instead of  we going to him now look at look at that there a rainbow Jes
us wow that's pretty good beautiful  you're getting off topic mate you're getting we the shades are actually lovely though they do look  oh this is this is a beautiful mod pack anyway you guys got to check it out anyway um Link in the  description Link in the description get stop getting distracted me in instead of instead of  us finding him where going to make him come to us we're not going to we're not going to I like  the sound of that so we we have to for we have to fortify this place and pr
epare for his arrival  we have to prepare for his arrival all right I'm actually going to make a stone stone all right um  I'm I'm going to clear this oh wait I need more wood oh I need look at me we got to S this look at me look at me on a count  of three one two three no no [Music] stopage the goat man kill him kill him kill him no  I can't Oh I thought you died for a sec I thought we did it I'm on half a heart oh my God wait let  me help you with that let me that all right about three we got
to start this Montage Montage  Montage one two three Montage Montage [Music] stop all right Harry where you at where  you at I'm down at the the base all right guess how many logs I have [Music]  we ignore we ignore that blood Cur 41 yeah I think I'm I think I can get ready on  the wall how do you how are we going to do it actually actually I have a good idea I have  a good idea all right I'm I'm going to get to building around I'm going to get to building  so we uh so we have a wall to defend o
urselves all guess what come here come here guess what  guess what what what no don't you die guess what [Music] guess Jesus man kill him kill him I [Music] no through theand through the  highs my shadow turn the Sun and [Music] oh what the what the hell what no where you  like that's impossible man this comes out of nowhere I assume that you died then  you know what I kind of want to do the mining man I don't really want to stay it  no no no I'm going I'm going to give you all my stuff no you s
aid that oh look  take get into the mine yeah go mining meate go mining guys as you heard I'm now  going to go mining and my my slave up there is how dare you ain't no way Ain no way the tectonic  plates I'm going to stop going down I know feel like I'm what what why are you at I don't  know I'll check um and why - 38 what is it for diamonds I swear it changed well I only  remember it being 12 you I know but they had I'm too OG I'm too OG they had a huge  update didn't they yeah all change it's
all changed iconic cave sound just happened way  less SC than the modded ones no no can't disrespect the cave sounds like that well when  I was younger they terrifying but not a cave I found a cave I found a what is this oh this is a  mid cave really oh it does go I don't know if it is M on for quite while oh there's lava that's a  good sign you'll find diamonds I almost went in the LA the LA no no he no what's happening what  can't say that mate can't say that you you just realized he's dead he
's dead he's dead what he's dead he's dead did you kill him  no it wasn't the goat man it was another one I I was going to say without me man  no it was I don't know what I think I think that was a cave dweller do you  know that m right it like spawned it spawned in the lava and then I was just  hitting it and it died I thought that was invincible I did not know they could spawn down  there oh my god oh oh just constantly hitting my head just Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk why do you do  it like this you k
ill him kill him oh my God you oh my God it's [Applause] funny it's like a news I thought I was I thought it was going  to like going to be Herobrine yeah we we've barely seen Herobrine Herobine is nothing  well I mean occasionally spawn in blind yeah blind you what does that do yeah no  what is all right he's going over top of it I don't have an iron pick we  need an iron pick oh my oh wait no other diamonds no Give me the give me give me  come on we got yeah keep that diamond me did you just f
ound another one oh my God and iron no  I need to come over and kill kill Ste golden apple is way better than you use that to make  a diamond sword we can use it to kill that oh genius where's I left the crafting table this  okay we regardless we we'll go back up we got to go back up wa I think we we might be ready  wait we we should have enough uh iron armor as well oh my God the kid spider I'm poisoned I'm  literally one hit now oh my God where is he at you know Harry wait all right hit me two
times  hit me two times no wait wait wait yeah now I'm up here and you're not well watch this where's  the l oh wait watch this I'm going I'm going to have a caller death well I never [Music]  knew so e up well you know I I'll have a sword diamond sword har I think he spawned I  heard a lightning I saw a lightning wait man wait I'm leading him to you  man get him no that wasn't even goat man it wasn't goat man it wasn't goat man that might be him that might be him  that might be him get ready h
e's coming flowers hurry he's coming that was  cringe man that was cringe shut up yeah yeah sorry how you have  no leggings any no cave dweller that's one that's one of them man  that's one the cave dweller is not even he coming he's coming he should  be in the cave get him get him get him wow thanks for that man thanks for that I got  scared bro that wasn't even you're supposed to be on the front lines that wasn't even him  that wasn't the goat dweller it doesn't matter that wasn't even the goa
t man we going  to have a conclusion to this video who is that there's a new one Harry there's a new  one there's a new one over there no that that white guy yeah get him we got to go he  despawned already he despawned did yes you silly boy you're getting distracted  again we have to he back but there sunr on him there sunrays on him look gorgeous I  know that's not the point but oh he's gone that is beautiful you have arrow that why did  we want the Goatman specifically like there's load of the
m I don't know I guess that was  the first one we saw so I don't know [Music] Turtle F off no wait wait wait some  he's closer he's right there he's right there oh my god get him get  him get him get him eat the apple eat the apple no he's what wh  what absolute coward I [Music] just I'm not trying to push you up what oh there's  even more there's loads of just Tre like whatever they call this is the lightning this is the  lightning Goodness Me diabolical how can they do this wait Harry do you t
hink we we should  stay here or like go what the hell what the hell did you do that no why did it just Harry  this is this is the final showdown what was that man I I didn't change this the the time to  night I swear why did I struggle to say that so much it's that white what it's that white  G man it's that white gun where are right this is the final showdown it's going to  be here are you sure you didn't do that no where to God I was in the graveyard  and I was standing on some pressure plates
that what the hell maybe it was  that maybe it was the pressure plates what who here no I I just saw bright eyes  and it just you oh thank you that's not what I meant I know how you meant it  all right it's harder to see now but I think it's going to be hard to see but I think  he might spawn this is getting spooky man yeah why did it just cut to dark and then started  raining that's I don't I I was in the I was I was in the graveyard quick quickly seal off  the top and then go down go like ins
ide and then we we know he's coming from one area from  that one entrance all right I don't got uh here come here come here come here oh yeah no  no no I need one I don't think we need a [Applause] sign all right what you oh one last look at  the sky cuz we might never see it again yeah I'm already rainbow what hry I'm coming man I'm  coming what I feared most we're being we have a curse Harry we have a curse I'm coming man  this just made things 10 times harder wait I'm coming bur up the suspen
se what I'm I'm [Music]  here this is we this has made things 10 times harder man what is that do you know what that is  look away look away yeah exactly exactly I don't know it's that weeping angel wait does it does  it oh he's he's de he's eat the apple eat the apple help me BR help me no no  I hate you oh my God I fumbled I fumbled I fumbled I didn't eat the apple I  just said you know what we forgot we forgot to make bloody shs oh my God this going  on forever man no cuz you spent it all I h
ave I have a shield you Harry it's done the  thing again what the I beg it spawns right now Redemption I want Redemption where's  the angel gun oh we looked away for too long Harry Harry you didn't I swear I  was just hitting by myself and you're just watching no I joined in but then I hit  you I'm so sorry you'll see man you'll see was right here where it happened he's here get him get him get him I'm no God damn it man I I was blocking and it I was literally blocking how didn't that  work how
was he hitting me when I was blocking but one of us like distracts him whoever  he's after oh you don't have a it has to be after me give me your sword then or give me the shield  whatever I'll give you the shield thanks if he's after you just block I'll attack him whilst  he's after you yeah just keep no no no no get rid of the lights that's how I got attacked keep  blocking no matter what keep blocking no matter what you got to get rid of the light he's here I swear he's he's he's coming  he's
coming he has to be after you though my heart's going man this  is my God I actually just I just got really I panicked then could have  been behind us that's actually a bad I'm going to keep blocking  behind us every every sword a it's not funny man not funny here  have some blocks have some blocks I came from behind us so we should be good oh  if it's here we could get him with the lava what that oh I thought was diamonds no it's  too cramped in here man yeah let's go back let's go back go bac
k should we I don't know  you said it's you cramp no I mean like go to a different SP like up here like the N  up here's up here's bad a is a m thing oh that's a dead end by up here maybe I I say we go back to the original map it's  not going to spawn in M what is this there's like dots have you been up here I I have zombie wait Harry come up here there's untouched caves up here diamond oh be Creeper Creeper oh oh oh oh attack me mate wait if that was the  Goatman we would be [Applause] clear ho
w much that would be  impossible to [Applause] do all right if the good man has that if  the goodat man has that much health it would be impossible [Music] no  no I don't think we can do this man unfortunately we couldn't kill  the goat man but however we did we killed the cave dweller twice I would say  that's a win in our book that is that's a pretty good [Music] dub get him on me  get him on me I'm dead I'm dead oh my oh like did you just [Music] yeah that  was a pretty good sign off I [Music
] [Music] guess
