
Are sports drinks healthy? Ingredients to consider

Electrolytes play a big role in our overall health, but sports drinks can come with a lot of sugar and not enough of other essential nutrients.


5 hours ago

you hear it all the time hydration is key but can sports drinks really help they have electrolytes but they also have other ingredients that aren't always healthy they do have you know some electrolytes added with water um they do generally have a good amount of sugar added and food dye depending on the brand and the kind so I think that it's important if you are going to choose an electrolyte replacer enhanced beverage you look at the other ingredients oh yeah electrolytes play a big Ro in our
overall health and they help with the function of our brain heart muscles and nerves some of the more common electrolytes added to sport strings do include sodium potassium magnesium and calcium but you need more than just those and that comes down to diet they're all sourced in different foods but you know there's a common theme and the common theme is that they're found in fruits and vegetables they're found in beans and seaweed Dairy dark chocolate fatty fish olives pickle juice bone broth um
nuts and seeds and then leafy greens overall it's just best to avoid sports drinks instead add a powdered version of electrolytes to your water preferably one without those dyes or added sugars
